Digambara Digambara Sripadavallabha Digambara |
Note to Devotees :
On December 17 , 18 and 19 due to antharalaya maintainence work Darshan of sripada srivallabha swamy paduka and Moorthy will be not available on above mentioned dates.
All the poojas will be performed to Sripada Srivallabha Swamy Utsav Moorthy
We request all the devotees to co operate with sripada srivallabha Mahasamsthanam |
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This Sripada Srivallabha Mahasamsthanam Which you now visited is actually the sacred premises where Sripada Sree Vallabha incarnated ! This is Sripada Srivallabha!
During the time of incarnation of Sree Sripada this holy premises was the residential house of Sree Bapannavadhanulu garu who his maternal Grand Father
Lord SRIPADA SRIVALLABHA is the first and foremost incarnation (Avatar) of
Jagatguru Sri DATTATREYA, took place in 1320 AD. at Srikshetra PITHAPURAM.
SRIPADA SRIVALLABHA is the most powerful and capable in destroying the difficulties, losses, miseries and obstacles occuring in the
developments of His dedicated devotees.
The aim of SRIPADA SRIVALLABHA′S incarnation is to bless Maha Siddhas, Maha Yogis and to uphold Dharma through them in the Universe.
Feb 08 2025,Sat19:08:00 |
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In brief the Biography of Sadguru Sri Sri Sajjanagada Ramaswamyji and Aavirbhavam of Sripada Srivallabha Maha Samsthanam |